My Number 1 Tip for Healthy Weight Loss

All too often people partake in crash diets and fad cleanses for weight loss that isn’t actually healthy or helpful in the long term. Sadly this approach more often results in yoyoing, feeling defeated, and giving up.
In today’s video, I want to share My Number 1 Tip for Healthy Weight Loss so that you can have success with a long-term healthy lifestyle!

So, Drumroll…

My Number 1 Tip for Healthy Weight Loss

Is to focus on ABUNDANCE!

My Number 1 Tip for Healthy Weight Loss

I’m talking about eating abundantly from low-fat, whole fruits and veggies at each meal, right between all you enjoy and all you can, no restriction.

Most foods on most diets are actually so high in calories and low in volume that you’re never fully satisfied, the opposite is true with whole, fresh, ripe raw, or minimally cooked plant foods.  These foods are so high in volume, from water and fiber, and high in nutrition per calorie, that you feel more satiated than ever! This can actually lead to people undereating and losing weight too fast, in fact, the most common issue for those new to a raw food lifestyle is learning to eat enough to get enough calories!

I am here to make that a TON easier for you with loads of delicious recipes, tips, and tricks for long-term raw success!

If you haven’t already signed up for my mailing list I invite you to do so here for 2 free ebooks + weekly emails that can help you drastically change your life for the better!

There is so much to gain, so much abundance around you and I really invite you to try out a healthy whole foods-based raw food, high raw vegan diet that is completely abundant with all the healthy plant foods that you absolutely love!

That’s seriously the secret!

I hope you enjoyed this short video and take the message to heart!

As always

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck 

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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