A New TRA Segment “Ask Kendalini”

As I am super busy editing videos, putting the final touches on the TRA Retreat Treats book, doing consults and working on a couple of other projects I’ve asked the Great Kendalini to fill in for me today.

He’s here to answer your questions – any and all!!

Got a question for the Great Kendalini?  Submit it below in a comment!!  Nothing is too big or too small for the Great Kendalini to address!

Wonder what the best type of fruit is?  The Great Kendalini will tell you!

Wonder what a lotus pose is?  The Great Kendalini will enlighten you!

Wonder if Raw Vegan farts smell “better” than those of other diets? The Great Kendalini will share his thoughts?

Too embarrassed to asked the question you are just dying to know?  Shoot him an email!

Just put “Ask Kendalini” in the subjet line and your question may show up in a future video (anonymously if you’d like) 🙂

Until next time –

Namaste from the Great Kendalini


As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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  1. Chris!!

    I’m trying to find a step by step guide on how to eat healthy and what to eat during the day. I find books on meals and stuff but nothing just telling me what to do until I find my own way.

    Kind of like a M-F breakfast, lunch, dinner routine to get into.

    Can you offer some help.

    ronnie creager

    1. Blessings Ronnie!

      Great to hear from you brother, for sure would be my Pleasure, amped to connect.

      I will also email you directly to be sure you get a form to flow with and we can move forward from there 🙂

      Talk soon


      PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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