Banana Dongs Recipe – The Long Story

Being the Banana Commander, I figure it’s about time I focused on some simpler and more delicious Banana recipes! 🙂

With that, I present Banana Dongs!

Now, I am not claiming to be the inventor of banana dongs; in fact, I would bet they have been around almost as long as bananas have been since people started dehydrating food in the sun and then later in dehydrators, at least!

Speaking of Dehydrators, I highly recommend grabbing an Excalibur Dehydrator.

For all of your dehydrator needs, be it raw cinnamon buns, pizzas, french fries, burgers, dried tomatoes, kale chips, etc. (see my FREE rawsome recipes playlist here).
Seriously, they can bring your raw food lifestyle to the next level with new textures, tastes, and dishes that are sure to wow friends and loved ones and bring variety and fun to your raw food lifestyle!

Now to the banana dongs. I have heard these called a number of things over the years at different raw food events: Banana Slugs, ewwwww, I don’t want to eat anything with the word “slug” in it, and even dinosaur boners.

yea, not going there n not sure where the dinosaur even came in…

This recipe is so simple you will laugh. Really, all you need is bananas and a dehydrator—that’s it!

1. Peel your ripe bananas; brown spots are important for ease of digestion and sweet taste,

2. Place in the dehydrator at 118 overnight or for 10 – 14 hours. 

Thats it!! Really!

Take them out and serve while warm with a sweet or savory dip, celery/lettuce, or a sweet fruit smoothie to dip them in!
The sky is the limit; you can dip, dunk, or ding your dongs!

I hope you love this simple banana dongs recipe; it can be especially useful for those who have difficulty getting in enough sweet fruit calories, a common issue with new raw foodies, or those who have lots of bananas they want to eat up and share!

Watch out for more fun and simple banana recipes, and check out all my recipe videos in the Rawsome Recipes Playlist Here! 🙂

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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  1. Hi Chris,

    Thanks as always for the easy good ideas. I have to travel soon and was wondering if after they are dehydrated can they store for awhile.

    I hope you’re well. Thanks. Ryan

    1. Blessings Ryan 🙂
      Great question, if they are fully dehydrated so they have little moisture, more than 24 hours, then they last quite well when sealed air tight. The more moisture the less long they will keep. A extra point, be sure to let them cool before wrapping them in plastic / in tupperwear / glassware, as they will sweat if put in there warm. Lastly, frozen they last indefinitely and can be just reheated a 1/2 -1 hour 🙂
      Doing great btw, hope your doing epicly too <3

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