Overcoming Nutrient Concerns


“Discover Your Secret Weapon For Preventing, Correcting, And Avoiding Nutrient Deficiencies With These Proven And Clinically Tested Methods”

Learn more about this amazing Program!

We all know claims that vegans are automatically protein deficient have been circulating around for eternity. And if you are a raw vegan … oh, poor thing, you definitely lack in protein. 😉

Yulia Tarbath wanted to put to sleep all the major nutrient concerns that people talk and worry about for vegans and raw vegans so decided to put together  interviews with Dr. Rick Dina of RawFoodEducation.com.
Dr Rick has been a raw vegan for 28+ years and has done well over a decade worth of clinical research, and blood testing in the area of raw vegan and vegan nutrition.

Dr Rick Dina and his wife Karen Dina are among the most educated and experienced raw food practitioners and clinicians out there. I feel so blessed to connect you to this amazing program that RawsomeHealthy.com and Dr Rick Dina have partnered up to create a amazing product..

OvercomingNutrientConcerns“Overcoming Nutrient Concern With Blood work and Other Methods”

Click here to view more details

This hugely helpful program will answer all your questions and give you more than piece of mind, it will give you Clarity to THRIVE!

Sign up Now!!

What you will discover in this program:

  • Why a raw food diet alone might not be enough to get the nutrition that you require and if it is possible to experience deficiencies.
  • How a properly implemented and individualized raw food diet may allow you to avoid all deficiencies without supplementation.
  • The importance of vegetables on raw food diets and which ones provide key nutrients in the best format.
  • The most useful tests for detecting nutrient deficiencies Dr. Rick uses in his practice working with vegans and raw vegans.
  • The two key nutrients needed to avoid anemia and how to determine your status with them, and if needed how to best obtain them.
  • The advantage many raw foodists have with Vitamin D levels over the general population, even without supplementation.
  • How to avoid fish or fish oil to optimize your levels of the omega 3 fats EPA and DHA.
  • Obtaining Vitamin K2 without supplementation or bone broth!
  • How to keep your thyroid healthy with iodine, zinc, and selenium and the best whole food sources.
  • And much more!

Click here to view more details

I really hope you find immense value in the video on the subject of Vegan Protein and Vegan Youtubers!

Be sure to Sign up now for this amazing Program!
 Wishing you Much
PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck



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