20 year raw vegan

20 Years Raw Vegan Interview on the Raw Life Health Show with Paul Nison

20 Years Raw Vegan Interview on the Raw Life Health Show with Paul Nison

A few years back, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by my friend Paul Nison on his “Raw Life Health Show.” I’m thrilled to share that Paul invited me back for a second round—this time to dive into my journey as a “20 Years Raw Vegan” on his YouTube channel! I hope you enjoy…

LIVING ON FRUITS FOR 20 YEARS! Fruitarian diet is dangerous? Interviewing Chris Kendall

LIVING ON FRUITS FOR 20 YEARS! Fruitarian diet is dangerous? Interviewing Chris Kendall

Blessed to share this in-depth interview “LIVING ON FRUITS FOR 20 YEARS” on my friend Dr. Eduardo Corassa’s Channel, I hope you enjoy it and find many gems that help you on your path! In this interview, we go into many topics dipping into my 20 years of experience and Dr. Corassa’s 17+ years with…