
TRA Ghetto Free Weight Basement Workout!

Get ready to sweat it out with this invigorating Ghetto Free Weight Basement Workout straight from my parents’ house in Saskatoon. It’s sure to get your heart pumping and your muscles working!

Discover the secrets to gaining strength and size on a raw food diet, even if you’re a laid-back fitness enthusiast like me! It’s all about the power of natural nutrition.

In this basement workout, I give a couple of variations on the Bench Press, Deadlifts, Arm Curls, and my all-time favorite free-weight full-body exercise, the Full Clean!

I hope you enjoy it all; it’s also filled with fun and silliness!

PS as shared in the video, get the Raw Vegan Power T-Shirt Here

& get “101 Frickin’ Rawsome Recipes as an ebook or as a Paper Book!

It’s filled with amazingly simple and delicious Raw Food Recipes, which are an awesome complement to your workout and help enormously with recovery!

I absolutely love working out. While I may say I am a lazy, fit guy, I love to give it my all when I feel like working out! I really find optimal fitness is all about fun. Finding the activities that light you up and that you really want to do full-on brings the best results. When you are having fun, you are more likely to keep doing the activities and achieve the goals you may have.

I love weight training because it is something I can easily measure my progress in. I can easily challenge myself with it, pushing myself to the limit. Weight Training is something that I can get an intense strength or endurance workout in, almost anywhere and with my chosen intensity and time limit! By Weight Training, I also mean Calisthenics, or Body weight exercises such as Push-ups, weighted Push-ups, Pull-ups, and many other movements or Static Holds! More on this in another Post.

Some of my other exercise favorites are yoga, skateboarding, surfing, skipping, jogging, martial arts, calisthenics, gymnastics, dancing, playing, and swimming. Each is done with delight in its own moment; it’s easy to be fit and still feel lazy! It’s important to enjoy downtime, to give your body the rest it needs, and to do activities out of a desire to do them. Heck, that’s when we recover and balance our energies.

With gaining muscle and strength, I find it important to know that pure strength training demands that we really push ourselves. We create the need for our muscles to grow, making micro-tears in the muscle fibers. We can achieve this aim by doing lower repetitions of heavier weights or using calisthenics utilizing angles that challenge us. To grow muscle, you really need to perform movements that you can only do 1-6 times, more than that, and it will first split to strength endurance, over 12+ more to endurance and toning.

Most people find doing 3- 5 sets of 1-6 repetitions works well, starting off with a good warm up, possibly a warm up set of each exercise with a lighter weight (not too challenging) before moving to a heavier weight, works best to gain muscle. I love to Stack or Castle my sets if I have the option; in the video, I didn’t, meaning Starting with a heavy weight, I can do 10 times; next set moving up to one, I may do 6-8, then the last two sets moving up again to a weight I can only do 2- 4 times, then finishing off with 6 of a slightly lighter weight. I love going just to failure; this taxes the muscles and gets a good mix of Pure Strength and a bit of endurance.

An amazing aspect of strength training is utilizing at least one full-body exercise in your routine. When we use a full-body strength exercise, we cause our body to produce more Human Growth Factor. This, in essence, causes the body to grow and heal faster, resulting in more results faster. One of my favorites is the Full Clean, as shown in the video. Other excellent choices are Burpies and Hindu Push-ups; more on these in another post.

This video covers three types of Bench Presses using a standard home bench with added Paint Cans. It also shows some Arm Curls, Dead Lifts, Squats, and Full Cleans, all with Proper Form. It’s much better to do less weight with proper form rather than try to do heavy weight with poor form. Create good habits first, and allow your strength to grow with that proper form. You will be very happy you did, as poor form creates weaknesses and injury.

At the end of any set or workout, you can gain extra benefit from squeezing out your muscles or simply flexing each muscle group as hard as you possibly can. Squeeze and hold for 3-5 seconds and rest, then repeat 3 sets just like an extra workout. This in itself can be done as a workout if you do not have any weights available. It really does work and will help you build size and tone!

After a good workout refuelling is very important, eat the right foods and you can cut your recovery time in half!!! What is the best? Simple, Sweet, Juicy Fruit provides all the essentials for health. Fruit is absorbed and utilized faster than any food, enhancing recovery. Instant gratification for the muscles, readily replenishing muscle glycogen, satisfy that thirst and hunger with any juicy fruit or with a recipe from my simple “101 Frickin Rawsome Recipes”! If you have been working or enjoying some sport for a few hours, you may also wish to add celery or greens to your post-workout. Otherwise, simply eating fruit or dilute juices while working out for a prolonged period is great!

One of my favorite sports drinks is a handful of raisins or dates soaked in a liter of water overnight. This provides easily absorbed simple sugars, vitamins, and minerals for enhanced performance and recovery at a low cost.

I hope you really enjoyed this video and post. There is much more in the video itself, so be sure to watch and enjoy the challenges that light you up and the sweetness of Mother Nature’s kitchen!

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for showing your moves.  I'm a 74, yr old girl, with a similar basement setup. Glad to hear that it can still work if not so consistent.  Good info abt. the HGHfactor. Enjoy!

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