
Fake Tofu, FoFu?! WTF

While in NYC in the aftermath of the Woodstock Fruit Festival* we went to Quintessence, a well known raw vegan restaurant to celebrate Naturally Ashley‘s Bday and enjoy some quality raw gourmet! To my surprise I saw a raw vegan tofu, “Fofu” you may call it!

Sit back n enjoy this review of the Fofu, faux tofu?!

*first time attendies get $100.00 off using the coupon code “banana”, get the best price now sign up, click here

This was my fourth time back to Quintessence raw vegan restaurant in NYC. Each time I have been impressed by the creativity and taste, this time I was shocked by how similar the Fofu tastes like tofu! With the help of my homeboy Richard Widmark at Rawxperience.com controlling the lights, sharing my dirty face with you, we move through the realities of tofu, my inireugie on the tofu and some other random thoughts!

Ohh BTW the main ingredients are cashews and Irish moss!
Be sure to check out Quintessence in NYC if you are in the area, my recommendation is to eat fruit and salad first 🙂

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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