The Story Behind the Santa Clause Melon!

My personal favourite melon of all time,

Sit back and enjoy the story behind the Santa Clause Melon.

I really hope you enjoy the video, learn more about this amazing melon and why this tasty treat is called the Christmas Melon / Santa Claus Melon!
Also known as the Piel de Sapo (meaning Skin of the Frog in Spanish) aka Santa Claus melon aka Christmas melon, this delicious melon has a rich history and one that goes back to the middle ages!! One of the most flavourful as well a caloric dense melons out there, a medium sized melon around the size of a football, can be a pretty satiating meal. If you see one of these beauties (available mid to late summer… in each hemisphere) look for a bright yellow rind, under the green that is, slightly soft at the stem / opposite end, and a slight sweet aroma. I like to squeeze them like a football, when I notice they start to flex and yield to light pressure as a football would I find they are perfect to eat!
Like many fruits they are best served when they are at room temperature for 8+ hours for a juicier softer texture!!
I hope you love them as much as I do!
santa clause melon piel de sapoFor much more check out the video 🙂

Wishing you Much 

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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