Why Suntan Your Mushrooms?

Why Suntan Your Mushrooms you may ask…

Did you know that Mushrooms are a vegan source of Vitamin D?!

I’ve been shouting about this for a decade, specifically the point that you can “charge” or suntan your mushrooms under the sun, or a UVB light, effectively boosting the D content by up to 600+% essentially making a small portion a supplement

I go much deeper into this with links and references in my in-depth post

top vegan sources of vitamin d

My Top 4 Sources of Vitamin D

Until recently I had always heard that mushrooms contain vitamin D2 which is effective in raising our D levels, but does not have as long-lasting effect as vitamin D3 produced in the skin in response to ultraviolet light, but, my friend Dan aka @enzyme.333 tipped me off to info I corroborated with Pubmed studies showing shiitake mushrooms actually produce Vitamin D3 when charged by UVB

 It’s pretty dang cool stuff, doesn’t matter if the mushrooms are fresh, dried, or even powdered. Once charged and dried the Vitamin D lasts for 6-12 months, a fun way to create tasty more natural D supplements!

As an aside, dried mushrooms go great in raw curries, Chilis, pizzas, pasta, stews, and more, not to mention even as a great sauce thickener

Hope you enjoyed this post, save it and tag someone you think needs to know this

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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