
Finca de Vida Tour!

Special Announcement! I have just put up a Exclusive Interviews Page here on my site!!

The first Interview is with Ka Sundance of The Raw Food Family!!!

Hope you enjoy that!!

Also got this little diddy of a video here Featuring day 2 of Ka’s Raw Transformational Retreat!!


So where to start!

Ka learns to operate a conch shell, eventually ahah and uses it to wake everyone up to their first morning! He thought it sounded like a animal in distress!

After a sweet breakfast of green juice , smoothies and cut up pineapple, Melanie and I led a raw food demo with 2 awesome recipes, Finca Mango Gazpacho and Kale Pesto Wraps!

Finca Mango Gazpacho For 1

1 mango, 2 oranges, 1/2 small lime, 1/4 cucumber, 1/2 red pepper, 1 stalk celery, pinch of rosemary, basil and parsley, Or your fave herb 🙂
Juice the orange and lime, dice all the pepper, cucumber celery and half the mango, set aside. Blend the other 1/2 of the mango with the juice and a dash of herb.  Pour the broth overtop of the chunks adding one last dash of herbs!

Whalla! 🙂

Pesto Wraps For 1

I small handful Pine nuts, 1 big handful basil and arugula, 2 chives, small handful parsley, 3 kale leaves, 1/2 zucchini, 1/2 red pepper, 1 carrot

Slow blend or process basil, arugula, herbs, and green onion. Add pine nuts just at the end leaving a bit of texture to them. Slice or julienne all remaining veggies excepting the kale. Lay the Veggies into the kale leaves with a dollop of Pesto on top. Roll up the Kale “wrap” and secure with a tooth pick.


After that enjoyed a farm tour led by Finca De Vida owners Brian and Josephine Calvi. Brian told us all about many of the trees, shrubs and flowers planted all over their land.  Our first stop was at the Noni tree, a fruit that has been exclaimed to taste like dirty socks! Considered highly medicinal the Noni tastes similar to rotten cheese. You can buy bottles of its juice in health food stores for 40$ a bottle, something I wouldn’t recommend. It has painkilling effects as well as a putrid taste ahahah. Im being hard on the Noni but truthfully my position is through eating the foods we love (specifically of raw fruits and veggies) there is no need for medicinal or foul tasting foods, tinctures or potions.

Much more tasty we came across some Orange tree’s just ready to yield their sweet fruit! Oranges like banana’s must be picked from the tree before appearing fully ripe. Banana’s should still be green or just turning yellow and oranges should be just yellowing with a fragrant orange smell. Next we checked out some Sea Almond tree’s, Brian let us know all about them including that they taste like a less sweet almond. A sad fact you may not know, all almonds grown in California are Irradiated, organic or not!

Next we checked out a beautiful Cashew tree! Most people don’t realize that the cashew actually comes from a delicious fruit, the nut is sitting on top of the edible fruit portion concealed within a tough shell as well as toxic black acidic sludge that will burn your skin on contact. We talk about how to remove and make cashew’s edible heat and processing needs take place. A truly raw cashew is a myth, as is truly raw cacao which itself needs be fermented and dried, also being a fruit. If ever in doubt try to sprout!! If it doesn’t sprout it isn’t raw nor vital.

So many fruit tree’s at Finca, hundreds actually, before my camera died we visited a few mango tree’s and were blessed with a ripe Biriba or Rolinia, it tastes so amazing really just like Lemon Meringue pie!

The biriba ended up being a perfect precursor to the Soup and wraps we made for lunch! mmmmm

Hope you enjoyed the video!!!


Hope you enjoy the vid!!!

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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