
Presenting “Kendall Bites” Sharing Current Nibbles

Blissings All!!

Excited to turn a new chapter in The Raw Advantage, Offering quick and Current Video Clips to simply bring my Now into my Youtube Feed!!!

Enjoy Kendall Bites!!

Hope you love these Two Quick Bites from Day 4 of the Rehabilitation Expert Dr Sam PT’s RAWhabilitation Retreat here at The Farm of Life a most Epic Raw Healing Retreat Center!

The 2nd Half to Show the Completed Recipe as well as the Happy Retreat Goers From Dr Sam PT’s RAWhabilitation Retreat!!

I have gotten so far behind with my longer videos (over 6 months behind now) that I feel adding these occasional Quick clips will bring a more updated and Current flow to my Blog!!

Do let me know what you think, Feel free to share what information or types of clips you would like me to share, any questions can be answered!!!

These two bites come from my time at the Best Raw Retreat Center The Farm of Life offering My services as a Simple 80/10/10 Raw Food Chef, showcasing some of my Cravings Busters Transitional Raw Gourmet Low fat Recipes as well as Flowing some Kendalini Yoga to Up the Anti!!!
Dr Sam is a amazing PT, Raw Food Guru and last but not least epic Friend.

Feeling so so blessed to flow as I am here with all my friends sharing the wealth of true health via the

8 Essential Links in the Chain of Health (as taught By Dr Sam In his Revolutionary Rehabilitation Manual)  

Good nutrition (a proper diet, and the ability to utilize this diet)

Fresh air (including quality of air breathed, and how it is breathed)

Clean water (for drinking and bathing)

 Sunshine/natural light (on all parts of the body, when appropriate)

Rest and sleep (rest should be physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual)

Exercise and activity (that is non-injurious to the body)

Cleanliness/hygiene (bathing, grooming, clothing, posture)

Loving relationships (with self, with others, and with nature) 

Dr Sam truly walks the walk spreading the essence of Health and Positive self Growth everywhere he goes. Everyone can benefit from his vision, experience, insight, knowledge, love radiant energy clarity and of course his outstanding Physical Therapy!

Picture 1Dr Samuel Arthur Mielcarski has been a low fat raw vegan for over 12 years and has had over 15 years as a health and rehabilitation specialist.

His amazing book (and Ebook) “Dr SAM’s Revolutionary Rehab Manual” has changed many lives for the better, I love it so so much I am now a affiliate for his book!

Simply click the link above to Get yours today I cant recommend it highly enough!

Wether you have been injured in a accident, are experiencing wear and tear from athletics of simply have bent yourself out of shape from poor alignment and mechanics (as most of us have) or if you simply wish to take your athletics and health to a new level Dr SAM’s Revolutionary Rehab Manual is for you!!

I also happen to know that he offers a full money back guarantee as well dont jah know!

To learn more, pick up a copy and also receive a simple free mini e-course dubbed

The 5 Biggest Mistakes in Healingclick here 🙂

I really hope you peep his site, his Revolutionary Rehab Manual and come Down to The Farm Of Life for On of My Retreats, One of Dr SAM’s or to simply enjoy the Epicness of The Farm of Life!! 🙂

Wishing you much much

Peacelovenseasonalfruit ck

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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