
World Vegan Day, Why I love Being Vegan

Wishing you a Very Very Happy World Vegan Day!!!

Celebrating World Vegan Day in Sharing How to Stay Motivated as a Vegan / Raw Vegan as well as Why I LOVE being Vegan! 🙂

Enjoy it!!

It seems many of us have a hard time keeping motivation up, at least when it comes to improving our health. I know I used to! Throughout my teens and early 20s I would be motivated, for a while, and then when times got tough, or peer pressure set in I would give up on my ideals.

The secret I didn’t know at that point was knowing and growing in the reasons why I love being vegan.

When I first went raw I was focused on my athletic ability, that was my motivation. Sure I wanted to feel better and be healthier in general but skating more and better was my biggest motivator. One of the most amazing things is, when you start to improve your health, everything else in your life begins to perk up too.

The experiences I went through became their own motivation and became some of the first reasons Why I LOVE being Vegan!

When at first I was focused on my skating, soon I noticed my optimism increased, and I began to feel lighter and more positive about my life and outlook than ever. Next, I noticed that I loved to move around, exercise, and play. I would get bummed out just like a little kid if I didn’t get my fun time in! After a while I forgot, or rather stopped dwelling on the things I “thought” I was missing out on and started to enjoy all that I was gaining. Namely, better sleep, more energy, no body odor, more optimism, feeling more spiritually connected, enjoying clearer thinking, not having sick days, having more sweetness in my life, having improved digestion and bathroom ease, finding ease in food choices, not feeling bloated or grossly full and tired after eating, having pain free joints, clearer skin, being a better role model, and many other factors. It’s amazing but when you focus on the positive changes, and what you have to gain motivation grows. By focusing on our weak links, all the other health links in our lives automatically strengthen.

I don’t know exactly why or how each of you found yourself on the path toward the raw diet, and improved lifestyle factors but I do know the more you walk the path, the more reasons and opportunities for growth and motivation that will arise. That in itself can be a great motivator.

Today I don’t really even feel I need motivation, the raw vegan lifestyle itself is so rewarding change promoting, and uplifting that it in itself is its own motivator. Why I love being vegan, because I love feeling great, not just ok. I love knowing I am doing the best I can for the environment. I love treating myself like the temple I know I am. I love knowing that No animals need be harmed to satisfy my taste buds. I love knowing that I am actively creating the future I want to live in. I love seeing those around me grow in their own health and love of self. I love greeting the day and the challenges we are presented with optimism and lust for growth. I love being physically active as well as getting rest when I know I need it. I love the ease of eating fresh ripe raw foods and not needing to have heavy prep or messy dishes. I love having fresh breath clothing and thoughts. I love continually growing in compassion and love of all around me. I love letting go of past inhibiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.I love supporting others with common interests. I love feeling fulfilled and not constantly searching for another stimulation. I love sharing the best of myself with others, and not getting tied up in my worries. I love dealing with my emotions and challenges, not having them deal with me. I love helping others, even if just a little. I love contributing to A brighter future. I love giving back to a world that has given me so much. I love knowing I will be around to see my nieces and nephews have kids, and their kids have more kids, and so on. I love knowing I will be able to help others for a long time to come. I love knowing I have an impact. I love sharing nutritious food and energy with those I love. I love feeling myself get younger every day. I love seeing the spark of God in everyone and everything. I love learning from my mistakes instead of reliving them. I love having my priorities shift to the greater good. I love living my dream. I love waking up with energy and desire to get up. I love knowing I am doing the best I can for myself. I love sharing and seeing others love. I love to put my highest needs first and not worry about what others think. I love growing.

I love growing in knowing and compassion that my actions are eternal,

that I needn’t be the cause of another living beings Funeral.

I love glowing with the high vibrations of Living food, vegan plant food, Fruits and veggies is now where I get my fill.

Knowing that eating cooked food, animal products, and food you need to kill,

will make you ill,

that we cannot be cured through eating a pill.

Grow in compassion, flow with the love that is everlasting, next time you take a bite ask yourself, I am eating with Compassion?

There came a time when I realized I was slowly killing myself on many levels, that my priorities weren’t for my highest self, and that I started to not like who I was becoming. I remember being in a place where I Hated myself, where I wished most for an end. Today what I love most, is that I love myself and love living and striving for my fullest potential.

I hope you all can find a few things that you love and that this helps you understand Why I LOVE being Vegan!

To an Amazing World Vegan day/month, share a smile, share some love, share the compassion of God above <3

Check out my 2nd and 3rd videos for World Vegan Day on Why I love being Vegan for more!

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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  1. I LOVED your latest post. So much happiness with were you are in life & to discover it so early.
    I am 40 & It’s only the last few years I have discovered how important it is to eat organic unprocessed food & look after the environment as well. I am trying to go raw & vegan, I struggle with it especially when the weather is cold & gloomy – I get very unmotivated. I hope I can be as positive as you & enjoy life with a passion sometime in the near future.
    Keep it up, You are motivating!
    Happy Vegan Day to you.

    1. All about direction Nicole, we all sway and stray at times physically mentally and spiritually, all to the perfect now, creating from the moment much love to you ck

  2. Chris, isn’t it amazing how eating this way has such positive effects on all aspects of your life. I feel so in tune with what you are saying and so full of love for all. I love YOU and all that you represent. 🙂

  3. Dear Brother,

    Thanks so much for sharing your motivations being raw vegan. It’s such a beautiful & compassion message. Lets spread more Raw Love around the the world.

    Love & Blessings, Chang-yu

    1. Blessings Chang-yu 🙂 More than my pleasure n whole heartedly agreed, Kudos to you in all you do for that Spread 🙂 wishing you much Peacelovenseasonalfruit ck

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