My Experience with Sun Damaged Skin

As a part of the Ultimate Raw Vegan Bundle Lives, Wendy, aka @Healthy_by_Wendy , interviewed me about

My experience with sun damaged skin and using efudix for actinic keratosis and basal cell carcinomas.

Thanks so much to Wendy for having me on. Be sure to check out the bundle and the ig “live” link on the bundle website to get the times and links for all of the free live interviews, food demos, and more with the creators during the bundle!

Below is a synopsis of the transcript; watch the whole video for a much more lively discussion. 

In this conversation with Wendy, I delved into my experiences with sun-damaged skin, shedding light on the challenges and lessons learned along the way.

Growing up as a fair-skinned individual, I quickly discovered I was prone to sunburns; in fact, my family doctor claimed I was “allergic” to the sun and gave me a special cream. Trips to Mexico with my family often ended with painful blisters from excessive sun exposure. Despite these early warnings, I neglected proper sun protection, leading to countless burns over the years.

Throughout my teens and twenties, I developed a love for surfing, often spending hours in the sun without adequate protection. The result? Severe burns multiple times, including one fateful beach trip that left me unable even to put on clothes for weeks at a time. My hands, weathered from years of sun exposure, constantly reminded me of the damage caused by neglect.

Even as I became more aware of the importance of sun protection, I continued to suffer the consequences of my past behavior. Crusty spots began appearing on my face, prompting a visit to the dermatologist. To my surprise, I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin cancer.

Faced with the prospect of surgery and potential scarring, I sought out alternative treatments. After thorough research and consultation with trusted individuals, such as Dr. Graham, I decided to try a chemotherapy cream called efudix. Though the treatment was grueling, it proved effective in eliminating the precancerous spots.

Reflecting on my experience, I’m grateful for the lessons learned and the opportunity to share my story. While the journey was challenging, it reinforced the importance of sun protection and regular skin checks. Moving forward, I’m committed to taking better care of my skin and encouraging others to do the same.

As Wendy and I exchanged thoughts and experiences, it became evident that sun damage affects us all differently. From natural remedies to medical interventions, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. By remaining open-minded and informed, we can make informed decisions about our skin health and overall well-being.

To learn more and see the week by week process of using efudix for

My Experience with Efudix Skin Cancer Cream

Check out this full video post I did covering the process. 

A bit about our bundle contributions


The Art of Smoothie Bowls by Wendy van der Grinten 

Elevate your breakfast game with The Art of Smoothie Bowls!

Create perfectly balanced smoothie bowls for sustainable energy and delicious mornings. Regular price: $19 USD

I am sorry to say that the Ultimate Raw Vegan Bundle promo period is over for this year.

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Stay tuned, and be sure to sign up to my mailing list here to be notified when the all-new bundle returns!

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck


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