raw food vegan

Common Misconceptions about The 80/10/10 Diet with Dr. Douglas Graham
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Common Misconceptions about The 80/10/10 Diet with Dr. Douglas Graham

What exactly is the 80/10/10 diet?! In this interview with Dr. Douglas Graham, we go into some common misconceptions about the 80/10/10 diet and bring clarity to the low-fat raw food diet he popularized. In 2006 Dr. Douglas Graham released “The 80/10/10 diet”, a book widely considered to be the best book on raw food…

Umbilical Hernia Repair and Healing with a Raw food Lifestyle

Umbilical Hernia Repair and Healing with a Raw food Lifestyle

On May 2nd 2019 I went in for surgery to repair a partial umbilical hernia I have had for as long as I can remember but had gotten worse since my motorcycle accident. This video goes into the day of the surgery plus the follow up healing and unveiling of my new belly button! Since…

What I Eat in a Day – Woodstock Fruit Festival Edition

What I Eat in a Day – Woodstock Fruit Festival Edition

If you’ve never been to a Woodstock Fruit Festival, you might have a few questions, one of which is what the food situation is like.  Today I’m sharing a video from this summer’s Woodstock Fruit Festival.  You can check out what I might eat in a typical day – from papaya to durian, raw cinnamon…