
Overcoming Perfectionism as a Raw Vegan, Interview with Happy Raw Reny!

I am so blessed to share this interview with my good friend Reny Kattel aka @happyrawreny, that she did with me while at the July 2019 UK Fruit Festival!

This video covers some really important topics about overcoming perfectionism that can help you find ease and streamlined success with a raw or vegan lifestyle!

Hope you LOVE it and subscribe to her YT channel for more

The raw vegan lifestyle can bring us so many positives and can open us up on so many levels, feeling lighter and brighter than ever before! On the other side of that, it can cause us to face our shadows, to do some real inner work, and challenge ourselves to grow through at, at times, past, our comfort zone. Reny asks some piercing questions that get to the heart of my early experiences causing me to reflect from a wider vantage to help with overcoming perfectionism!

In this interview with Happy Raw Reny, we go into:

  1. The biggest challenges I had when I first started the raw vegan lifestyle 15 years ago and what I would wish everyone knew when beginning on their path to health.
  2. What are my biggest motivators to stay on the path of raw food, health, and fitness?
  3. My deepest, darkest secret, which I once hid from others because I was embarrassed or scared of being judged!

I really hope you enjoy the interview, and that it helps you to overcome perfectionism as a raw vegan and to find increased ease in letting go of a black/white mentality toward raw food, success, health creation, and most of all your self-worth <3

You are amazing and perfect as you are!

Check out my other video that goes into overcoming perfectionism playfully called, “How to Be Perfect” Here

how to be perfect

Remember, perfection is in the process rather than being an end state!

Continue to grow in conscious experience choosing to connect to love/source whenever you feel discord.

Be sure to check out @HappyRawReny on IG and to subscribe to her YouTube Channel for many more inspiring and health-boosting videos 🙂

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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