High Energy Sweet & Savoury Fruit Soup Recipe

If you are looking for a quick and easy recipe that is sure to satisfy, check out this sweet and savoury high-energy fruit soup recipe!

I absolutely love fruit soup!

They are so simple to make, they get you to slow down a bit since you need to chew, and partially due to that are more filling and satiating than a regular smoothie. I have many fruit soup variations in my 101 and 50 more frickin rawsome recipes and usually eat them as a pre-dinner recipe such as in my seasonal meal plans. Most of the time I make them with acid and sub-acid fruits, such as in my Favourite Fruit Soup Recipe Here, but what makes this version unique is that it’s primarily sweet fruit and thus more calorically dense!

sweet and savoury fruit soup recipe

High Energy Sweet & Savoury Fruit Soup Recipe

Grapes – 1 kg / 2.2 lbs

10 Bananas – 1 kg / 2.2 lb

Barley Grass Juice Powder – 1-2 tbsp

Optional: Ashwagandha 2 tsp


1. Peel and then blend the bananas with the Barley Grass Juice Powder or fresh greens of your choice, and the optional ashwagandha powder, add to a big bowl

2. De-stem the grapes and add them to a big bowl with the “broth”

3. Eat with a spoon and a smile

This simple fruit soup recipe is seriously so filling, delicious, and jam-packed with sweet and savory flavours to help you smash cravings on a high-energy day!

If you haven’t checked out barley grass juice powder before you can learn more in my video about it here!

Barley grass juice powder the best green powderGet my fave brand for a crazy deal here, I absolutely love it and hope you do too!

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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