
5 Keys to Self Betterment with Dr Douglas Graham
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5 Keys to Self Betterment with Dr Douglas Graham

Dr Graham has arguably inspired more people to grow toward and thrive on a low fat raw vegan diet than anyone on the planet. His ability to take complex subjects and present them with just the right dose of common sense, humour and entertainment is unparalleled ?? This lighthearted conversation with my friend Doug is…

Common Misconceptions about The 80/10/10 Diet with Dr. Douglas Graham
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Common Misconceptions about The 80/10/10 Diet with Dr. Douglas Graham

What exactly is the 80/10/10 diet?! In this interview with Dr. Douglas Graham, we go into some common misconceptions about the 80/10/10 diet and bring clarity to the low-fat raw food diet he popularized. In 2006 Dr. Douglas Graham released “The 80/10/10 diet”, a book widely considered to be the best book on raw food…

Successful On A Fruit Based Diet (80-10-10)? Interview with Chris Kendall By Ka Sundance
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Successful On A Fruit Based Diet (80-10-10)? Interview with Chris Kendall By Ka Sundance

Wonder how to be successful on a high fruit raw food diet? To learn a ton on this topic check out this interview that Ka Sundance did with me in 2012! I really hope you enjoy the interview a ton, I feel a lot of good questions were asked, thanks Ka, and that I did…

Chris Kendall on The Vegan Truth Live on FreedomizerRadio.com

Chris Kendall on The Vegan Truth Live on FreedomizerRadio.com

I am really excited to Have been on – The Vegan Truth – With Gabe Smith and MC Frutose on FreedomizerRadio.com Friday Oct 18th @ 3pm PST Check out the Recorded Show For Free Right Here!! Flowing as a Registered Nutritionist and 100% raw vegan transitional and lifestyle coach I was stoked to Share Live,…

Woodstock Fruit Festival – Photo Essay and CNN Interview with Michael Arnstein

Woodstock Fruit Festival – Photo Essay and CNN Interview with Michael Arnstein

Another successful year of Woodstock Fruit Festival – In. The. Bag – woooo! It was soo soo sweet to share the time with lots of great people and tons of awesome food (including thousands of durian!!)  Check out this photo essay on Year of the Durian – lots of cool pics (including some of yours…

Banana eating Contest with 80/10/10 Heavyweights!
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Banana eating Contest with 80/10/10 Heavyweights!

Just what it says, a serious banana eating contest with veterans of the low fat raw vegan diet!! Dr Sam, Brian Calvi of Finca de Vida and myself broke loose with this rawsome event this April at the wonderful Farm of Life (Finca de Vida) 🙂 Thanks so much Josephine and Brian for hosting this…