TRA’s Best Fall Raw Recipe.. Persimmon Mulberry Oatmeal

Today, I’m sharing a tasty treat that can be enjoyed for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Snack – you name it! 

It’s a yummy little special recipe I like to call

Persimmon Mulberry Oatmeal. 

Okay, it’s really “Oatmeal” cuz it’s not OATMEAL for real.  But it is so yummy and has a consistency a lot like the real thing.

It’s a super simple recipe with just three ingredients (four if you count the water): Persimmons, Mulberries, and Raisins. 

I use Fuyu Persimmons for this recipe—they can be eaten whether they are soft or firmer, whereas other varieties, such as the Hachiya, need to be really soft and ripe to be enjoyed.

~ Check out the full recipe below ~

Doesn’t that look delicious??

Now to the Recipe!

Persimmon Mulberry Oatmeal

5 Fuyu Persimmons
1 Cup White Mulberries
3/4 Cup Organic Raisins

Pulse the mulberries in your trusty Vitamix, just enough to break them up a bit.  Then, add them to the raisins in a medium bowl.  Remove any seeds from your persimmons and then puree them in the Vitamix.  You might need to add some water – I added about 1/2 Cup – to finish blending them.  Next, pour the persimmon puree over the berries and raisins. 

Let this set for about 2-3 hours so the berries and raisins can absorb some liquid and soften a bit to create the persimmon mulberry oatmeal texture. 


Like this recipe? 

Check out tons more in my two books – 101 Frickin’ Rawsome Recipes and TRA Retreat Treats!!


Last but not least

Check out my other delicious winter recipes here!


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Raw Chocolate Recipe | Best Vegan Chocolate Ever!



Best Christmas Nog Ever, Give it Whir!


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Wishing you the sweetest, warmest, most love-filled holiday season ever!

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

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  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I was hoping you could tell me, where do you get your white mulberries? I live in Texas and cannot find them anywhere.
    Thank you!

    1. Blessings Robby 🙂

      More than my pleasure, I hope you have already found them!! I get mine from various places, there is some in the Bulk Barn in my home town, as well as at HomeSense.. Various places on line carry it too, if you google it you will find many spots to mailorder. Ive hear NaturalZing is pretty good 🙂

      enjoy em n try the recipe before persimmons disapear!!

  2. This recipe looks great! Persimmons are my favorite food too! Once you mentioned you would make a video about combining sweet fruit with fat if someone asked. Did you do that? I would love to know your take on that. Thanks so much!

    1. SO happy you enjoy it too!! Thanks for reminding me, I haven’t yet made that video but I will for sure in the next month or two. Looking to put out more videos and make good on some I promised over the last few years!!

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