Year: 2013

Amazing Discovery, Fun Is Fun and can make you Levitate!!

Here’s a question for ya…. When’s the last time you laughed so hard your cheeks hurt, you had tears running down your face (and between you and me you might have peed, just a bit)?  🙂 This post is about one thing FUN!! Life is way too short to take yourself too seriously!  Did you know…

KendallBites – Tattoo’s, Mangos and Kelp Noodles!

KendallBites – Tattoo’s, Mangos and Kelp Noodles!

Just a quick little post and video I want to share with you today…a little preview into my Saturday 🙂 I went to try and get another tattoo…but… I didn’t quite make it in time – kinda bummed.  If you haven’t already check out my previous tattoo post.   But I did get to go…

Free Yoga in the Park, Saskatoon Frickin’ Fruitluck, I Like Fun..
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Free Yoga in the Park, Saskatoon Frickin’ Fruitluck, I Like Fun..

Oh a fun and current video sharing last weekends Free Yoga in the Park. Every Sunday at 10am in Rotary park there’s free yoga put on by One Yoga and The Better Good.  Last week it was a bit rainy and dreary but my super cute ball of sunshine Charlie and some super relaxing yoga made…

NYC Frickin’ Fruitluck 2012, 2013 Signup n Hype!

Enjoy with us at the NYC Frickin Fruitluck 2013 by Joining at the NYC Frickin Fruitluck Facebook Page Here.. Spread this post and/or the Facebook Page everywhere Lets Make both events bigger than ever, last years Fruitluck had over 100 people at the height.. Check the video n get more info below!! So so excited for the…

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Post 2012 Woodstock Fruit Festival NYC Madness!!

Time for another TIME WARP!! We’re flashing back to the 2012 Woodstock Fruit Festival. Check out the crazy antics – this vid is LOADED with tomatoes, street skating, NYC scaffolding gymnastics, durian, me locked in the trunk of a car – what? oh yea! and more durian – haha! Get a load of the insanity!…

My Interview on

My Interview on

I want to share an interview I did for  Freedom Lies Within got started as a blog with a natural health/empowerment focus.  Eventually, it evolved into a business centered on providing products, services, and unique health information that promote nutritional upliftment. In this interview I share some of my personal thoughts and experiences with…

My Interview on with Luis Souza

My Interview on with Luis Souza

I’m super stoked that I had the opportunity to share, flow and grow with  Luis Souza in an interview for his site Raw Vegan Power!  Luis stumbled on the raw vegan lifestyle while doing research for his blog.  He found inspiration from many successful raw vegan athletes and now makes it his personal goal to…

Full Kendalini Yoga Class, The Woodstock Fruit Festival 2012!

Full Kendalini Yoga Class, The Woodstock Fruit Festival 2012!

I want to share with you another awesome video from back in the days of Woodstock Fruit Festival 2012. Enjoy a Beginner / Intermediate Kendalini Yoga Class I put on at the Woodstock Fruit festival. One of 5 Different Classes I offered this one a Mix between Kundalini, Hatha, Power Yoga, Tibetan Rights and Tom…

The Simplest, Most Difficult Smoothie Ever!!

The Simplest, Most Difficult Smoothie Ever!!

This is one of the most awesome smoothie recipes ever, but it’s not so simple… I call it the “Simplest, Most Difficult Smoothie Ever!!!”.  It’s the simplest because there is only ONE ingredient.   That’s right – JUST ONE ingredient… doesn’t get any easier than that…and the one ingredient is LONGAN I LOVE longan –…


Feeling the Woodstock Vibe Again, 2012 Final Days!

The time is quickly approaching, it’ll be here before you know it, look out here it comes!!!!…. What’s that?  Oh yeah baby!!! The 2013 Woodstock Fruit Festival!!! Sign ups are already happening!  Over 400 people are already signed up and space is filling quickly, use my code “banana” to get $100 off!! I’m doing a…


TRA Hawaiian Adventure #6 Cast off n Puna Frickin’ Fruitluck!

My final days in Hawaii 🙁 Sad…. I took my cast off and resized my splint so I can wear that at night.  It’s great to get some range of motion back in my wrist.  Massaged it a bit to get the stagnant fluids out and get things moving again. I stopped at the SPACE…

TRA Hawaiian Adventures #5, A Sea Purslane Party!

TRA Hawaiian Adventures #5, A Sea Purslane Party!

I’m coming at you today with Hawaiian video #5!!  I started out the day at…. can you guess???  Oh yeah!  The FARMER’S MARKET!  Got me some yummy yummy persimmon and rambutan. Then it’s off to the tide pools where I gobble up some awesomely delicious sea purslane.  This stuff seriously tastes like olives, kind of…


TRA Hawaiian Adventures #4, An unexpected Break…

BlessingsSo I’m still in Hawaii, still rockin’ the farmers markets, soaking up the sun, gettin’ my skate on….all is mellow when *POP* *CRACK* Awww man, I mess up my wrist – big time! I started out at the med center, they were pretty sure I had fractured it so I headed to the hospital to…

TRA Hawaiian Adventure #3, Living in a Banyan Tree!
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TRA Hawaiian Adventure #3, Living in a Banyan Tree!

Woooo-oooohhh – One of my dreams has come true!!  I’m excited to share this little video – I came back from the 80/10/10 community, back to Hilo and decided to climb the banyan tree you saw in my earlier video here.  After considering my other options for lodging for the night I decided nothing could…